It was more interesting that the Prophet was aware of the rule of the Turk and its duration. In some cases, these readers, called Scholars and researchers, said "Maladi La'an Lady Malka Tajala". That is, learn Turkish, because the Turkish will have a long government.
"The Turkish language is beautifully desirable and the permanent, respectively." "It's a source of Turkish language, and they are paid to their linguistics, and then the use of the language of the Turkish language is so regular and legal, it's so perfect that it takes intolerance to the mind, which may be made by the congress of a scholar, and is paid by expert linguists and" for the use of "expert librarians." And the same Turkish is the Turkish-sighted statement in the 1997th century, and says: "If a person travels from Balkans to Manchesor, if it becomes Turkish language, it will be the most convenient way, because in this geography is the most commonly used language, the Turkish language (PBUH), no popularity, or at the same time, they did not speak at the same time as their lives were all equally, and they are the same as the same ordered or in the face of the Lord.
The only order of the Prophet is to read and write in Arabic because the Quran wrote in Arabic
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